Immune Review Answers Match the Vocabulary Term With the Correct Definition Term Pathogens
Medical Terminology for Cancer
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9: The Lymphatic and Immune Systems
Functions of the lymphatic system
Components of the lymphatic system
Circulation of tissue fluids
The Immune System
Cancer Focus
Roots, suffixes, and prefixes
Related Abbreviations and Acronyms
Farther Resources
Functions of the lymphatic system
The cardinal functions of the lymphatic system:
- Drains excess fluids and proteins from tissues all around the trunk and returns them back into the bloodstream.
- Removes waste products produced by cells.
- Fights infections.
- Absorbs fats and fatty-soluble vitamins from the digestive organization and transports these into the bloodstream.
Components of the lymphatic arrangement
Immage source: Wikimedia License: CC-By-3.0 |
The major (encapsulated) lymphatic organs are the lymph nodes, thymus and spleen. In addition the lymphoid tissues include:
- Mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue (MALT)
- These are bundles of lymphatic cells, called lymphatic nodules, located within the fungus membranes that line the gastrointestinal, respiratory, reproductive, and urinary tracts. These nodules comprise lymphocytes and macrophages which defend confronting invading bacteria and other pathogens that enter these passages forth with food, air, or urine. These nodules can exist alone or grouped together in clusters.
Major clusters of lymphatic nodules include:
- Tonsils: these are clusters of lymphatic tissue under the mucous membrane lining of the olfactory organ, mouth, and pharynx. Lymphocytes and macrophages in the tonsils provide protection confronting foreign substances and pathogens that enter the body through the nose or mouth.
- Adenoids: A cluster of lymphatic tissue that hangs from the upper part of the back of the nasal cavity. Adenoids get bigger after birth but normally stop growing by the age of vii. Like the Tonsils, they can be removed without significantly increased take chances of infections.
- Peyer'southward patches: these are clusters of lymphatic nodules in the mucosa that lines the ileum of the pocket-size intestine. They play an important role in defending against the large number of pathogens that enter the gastrointestinal arrangement.
Circulation of tissue fluids
Fluid in the spaces between tissues is called interstitial fluid, or 'tissue fluid'. This provides the cells of the torso with nutrients (via the claret supply) and a means of waste removal. Lymph is formed when the interstitial fluid is collected through tiny lymph capillaries (see diagram), which are located throughout the body. It is then transported through lymph vessels to lymph nodes, which clean and filter information technology. Lymph then flows on to the lymphatic ducts, before emptying into the correct or the left subclavian vein, where it mixes back with blood.
Blood is enriched with oxygen (by the respiratory organisation) and nutrients (by the digestive system), which are circulated all around the body (by the cardiovascular system). Some fluid (blood plasma) leaks out into the tissues via tiny capillaries, contributing to interstitial fluid, which eventually drains back into the lymphatic system.
The Immune System
The immune system includes a variety of defenses against viruses, bacteria, fungal infections, and parasites (such as thread worms). The lympatic system is office of the broader Immune System.
- Innate immune system
- This are the not-specific, unchanging lines of defenses which include:
- Concrete and chemical barriers to pathogens.
- Producing cytokines and other chemical factors to recruit immune cells to sites of infection.
- Activates the complement cascade to identify bacteria, activate cells and to promote clearance of expressionless cells or antibody complexes.
- Identifies and removes foreign substances present in organs, tissues, the blood and lymph, by specialised white claret cells.
- Activation of the adaptive immune system, through a process known every bit antigen presentation.
- Adaptive immune system
- Adaptive (or acquired) amnesty is where immunological retentiveness is made after an initial response to a new pathogen, leading to an enhanced response to futurity exposure to that aforementioned pathogen. This process of acquired immunity is the basis of vaccination. This is essential because bacteria and viruses are continually adapting and evolving in an 'arms race' with our immune systems. Features of the adaptive allowed arrangement include:
- Recognition of specific "non-cocky" antigens, during the process of antigen presentation.
- The generation of responses tailored to destroy specific pathogens or pathogen-infected cells.
- Evolution of immunological memory, in which each pathogen is "remembered" past signature antibodies or T cell receptors. These retentiveness cells can be called upon to rapidly eliminate a pathogen should subsequent infections occur.
- Cells of the Immune System
In that location are many different prison cell types and sub-types involved in the allowed system. Some of the principal types include:
- Lymphocytes: are white cells which circulate betwixt blood and lymph. They play an important part in fighting infection. There are many kinds of lymphocytes; the main types are T cells, B cells and natural killer cells. Lymphocytes initially develop in the bone marrow. Some migrate to the thymus, where they mature into T cells ; others mature in the os marrow as B cells.
- Neutrophils: are the most abundant blazon of white blood cells and are an important function of the innate immune system. Neutrophils are a type of phagocyte (cells which engulf and then digest, cellular debris and pathogens). They are usually constitute in the blood stream, only are quickly recruited to the site of injury or infection following chemical signals such as Interleukin-8.
- Macrophages: are some other blazon of phagocyte and have a function in both the innate and adaptive immune systems. They attack foreign substances, infectious microbes and cancer cells. Macrophages also stimulate lymphocytes and other immune cells to reply to pathogens.
- Dendritic cells: are antigen-presenting cells which human activity every bit messengers between the innate and adaptive immune systems. They are ordinarily located in tissues in contact with the external environment such as the skin, linings of the nose, lungs, breadbasket and intestines. In response to pathogens they drift to the lymph nodes where they collaborate with T cells and B cells to initiate the adaptive immune response.
- Antigens and Antibodies
- Antibodies (also known as an immunoglobulins) are Y-shaped proteins produced past B-cells,that demark to specific antigens on the surface of foreign objects such as leaner and viruses. This identifies and 'tags' the foreign object as 'non-self', signalling other immune cells to attack them.
- Hormones and the Immune System
- There are several hormones generated by the immune organization. These hormones are mostly known equally lymphokines. Steroids and corticosteroids (components of adrenaline) suppress the immune organization.
Cancer Focus
- Metastatic spread of cancer via the lymph nodes
- Lymph nodes close to the principal tumor are frequently the first site of metastases (spread of cancer). Lymph node metastases are rarely life threatening, just their detection is a prognostic gene for many types of cancer equally information technology shows the tumor has developed the power to spread. Tumor cells may travel via the lymphatic organisation and spread to to lymph nodes and distant organs.
- Sentinel Lymph Node Biopsy
- A dye is injected most the main tumor to identify the position of the spotter lymph node (the get-go lymph node to which cancer cells are nigh likely to spread as the lympatic system drains fluid away from the tumor). The sentinel node is surgically removed and a pathologist checks for the presence of cancer cells. SLNB is nigh frequently used to help stage breast cancer and melanoma. It is a less all-encompassing performance compared to standard lymph node surgery.
- Immunosuppression
- This is reduced activity or efficiency of the allowed organisation and its ability to fight infections and other diseases. Certain diseases such every bit AIDS or lymphoma can cause immunosuppression. It is besides a common side-consequence of anticancer chemotherapy, leading to cancer patients having an increased risk of infections during treatment.
- Lymphoma
- A general term class for malignant disease of the lymphatic tissue characterized past aberrant, uncontrolled prison cell growth. There are a number of types of lymphoma, including Hodgkin Lymphoma, with virtually other types classed together equally Not-Hodgkin Lymphoma.
- Hodgkin Lymphoma
- A malignancy of the lymphatic tissue that occurs most often in males, and the peak incidence is betwixt ages 15 and 35. It is characterised by progressive, painless enlargement of the lymph nodes, spleen, and general lymph tissue. In Hodgkin Lymphoma Reed-Sternberg cells (a specific type of lymphocyte) become abnormal and grow in an uncontrolled way.
Net Resources for Hodgkin Lymphoma
- Non Hodgkin Lymphoma (NHL)
- NHL is cancer of the lymphatic tissue, that does not involve aberrant Reed-Sternberg cells (a specific type of lymphocyte). At that place are many different types of NHL. Some abound very slowly, whilst others grow quickly and need aggressive treatment.
Internet Resources for NHL
- AIDS related lymphoma
- Incidence of non-Hodgkin'south lymphoma has increased in parallel with the AIDS epidemic. Lymphomas affecting HIV infected people are mostly of the aggressive B-cell types (lengthened large cell, B-immunoblastic, or small non-broken Burkitt'due south / Burkitt's like lymphoma) which are less mutual in non-HIV infected lymphoma patients. The HIV virus is not idea to a direct cause of lymphoma, rather information technology weakens the body'due south defences and may increment susceptibility to other infections such as the Epstein-Barr and HHV-8 viruses which are associated with these types of lymphomas.
Internet Resource for AIDS related Lymphoma
- Waldenstrom's Macroglobulinemia
- This is a rare cancerous condition, involving an excess of beta-lymphocytes (a type of cell in the immune system) which secrete immunoglobulins (a blazon of antibiotic). WM usually occurs in people over sixty, but has been detected in younger adults.
Internet Resource for Waldenstrom's Macroglobulinemia
- Cancer Immunotherapy
- This is treatment to stimulate the patient's own immune system to attack the cancer cells. Different approaches include: i) cancer vaccination to railroad train the allowed organisation to recognise the cancer cells as targets to be destroyed, 2) giving therapeutic antibodies to recruit immune organization cells to destroy tumor cells, and three) cell based immunotherapy which is either transfusing immune cells (such as Natural killer Cells) or by administering cytokines (such equally Interleukins) which actuate the immune cells.
- HPV Vaccination and Cervical Cancer
- Homo papillomavirus (HPV) is a mutual crusade of infection. There are over 100 different sub-types of HPV. HPV types xvi and 18 crusade 70% of cervical cancers and are as well linked to cancers of the anus, vulva, vagina, penis, besides as the mouth and pharynx. Over time these can cause cells in the cervix to change, leading to precancerous conditions - cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN), with a higher risk of developing cancer. Vaccination against HPV 16, 18 and other 'high risk' types of HPV reduces the risk of developing cervical and other HPV-related cancers.
Internet Resource for HPV Vaccination and Cervical Cancer
- Lymphedema
- Lymphedma is an abnormal build upward of interstitial fluid due to problems in the lymphatic system. It tin can have many causes. In the context of cancer information technology is often a outcome of obstruction by a tumor or enlarged lymph nodes. Information technology tin as well exist a side effect of radiotherapy or surgery, which has damaged the lymph vessels.
Roots, suffixes, and prefixes
Most medical terms are comprised of a root word plus a suffix (word catastrophe) and/or a prefix (beginning of the word). Here are some examples related to the Lymphatic and Immune systems. For more details run across Chapter iv: Understanding the Components of Medical Terminology
component significant instance aden(o)- gland Lymphadenopathy - disease of, or swelling/enlarged lymph nodes immun(o)- Immunity Immunosuppression = reduced activation or efficacy of the immune system lymph(o)- Lymph Lymphoma = tumour of lymphoid cells lymphaden(o)- lymph node Lymphadenectomy = surgical removal of lymph node(s) lymphangi(o)- lymphatic vessels Lymphangitis = inflammation or infection of the lymphatic vessels splen(o)- spleen Splenomegaly = enlargement of the spleen thym(o)- thymus Thymectomy = surgical removal of the thymus tox(o)- poison Immunotoxicity = adverse furnishings on immune system function resulting from exposure to chemical substances.
Related Abbreviations and Acronyms
AIDS | Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome |
EBV | Epstein-Barr virus |
HD | Hodgkin'due south Disease (now known as Hodgkin Lymphoma) |
HIV | Human Immunodeficiency Virus |
HPV | Humapapillomavirus |
HSV | Herpes Simplex Virus |
IgA | Immunoglobulin A |
IgD | Immunoglobulin D |
IgE | Immunoglobulin E |
IgG | Immunoglobulin Chiliad |
IgM | Immunoglobulin M |
MALT | Mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue |
NHL | Not Hodgkin's Lymphoma |
NKT | Natural killer T cell |
SLNB | Scout Lymph Node Biopsy |
Further Resources (nine links)
Allowed System
National Cancer Institute
Detailed presentation and notes.
Introduction to the Lymphatic System
SEER, National Cancer Constitute
Part of a SEER grooming module for cancer registry staff.
Lymphatic Organization - Self Exam questions
WebAnatomy, Academy of Minnesota
Exam your beefcake knowledge with these interactive questions. Includes dissimilar question types and answers.
Mechanism of lymph node metastasis in prostate cancer
Future Oncol. 2010 May;6(5):823-36
Datta K, Muders K, Zhang H, Tindall DJ. Mechanism of lymph node metastasis in prostate cancer. Future Oncol. 2010 May; 6(five): 823-836. (full article available free on PubMed Central)
Sentinel Lymph Node Biopsy
National Cancer Constitute
Factsheet in the form of questions and answers, with references.
The components of the allowed system
National Library of Medicine
A department, with diagrams from: Janeway CA Jr, Travers P, Walport K, et al. Immunobiology: The Immune System in Health and Affliction. fifth edition. New York: Garland Science; 2001.
The Immune Organization
Paul Andersen
Paul Andersen explains how your body protects itself from invading viruses and bacteria. He starts by describing the nonspecific immune responses of pare and inflammation. He and then explains how nosotros use antibodies to disrupt the function of antigens and marker them for devastation. He so explains both the homoral and cell-mediated immune response highlighting the importance of B and T lymphocytes. He finally describes the process of long term amnesty.
The Lymphatic System
Cancer Enquiry United kingdom of great britain and northern ireland
Curt overview, with diagrams.
Your Immune System 101: Introduction to Clinical Immunology
Dr. Katherine Gundling, Professor, Division of Allergy and Immunology at UCSF presents an overview of the immune organisation, how information technology functions and what can go wrong.
This guide by Simon Cotterill
Beginning created 4th March 1996
Final modified: 1st Feb 2014
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