Life can get to even the best of us, so there's no shame in feeling low from time to time. When the chips are down and the going gets tough, there's not a lot you can do other than try to keep your chin up and keep on keepin' on. But no matter how bad your day is going, it can be somewhat reassuring to know that somewhere out there, there's always someone having a worse one. Your bad luck might seem pretty bottom of the barrel, but you can take heart in knowing that that barrel goes pretty freaking deep.

There's being unlucky, and then there's being downright cursed. For these people, bad hair days, trouble at work and chaos at home are only the beginning. There are people out there whose lives are so wildly out of control, you just can't help but feel a little bit better about your own!

15 At least you're not going to the wrong college


Most of us have college experiences that are riddled with embarrassing moments, awkward mishaps and cringe-worthy mistakes... but at least they all happened at the college we were actually enrolled in. We're not really sure how this poor kid ended up at the entirely wrong school, but we sure hope he wasn't planning on sticking around for a while. It's one thing to not be able to find your first classes of a semester. It's another to not have, say, a meal plan, a parking space, or, y'know, a dorm to sleep in.

When you've accidentally driven to the wrong grocery store or showed up for an appointment at the wrong dentist's office, remember this poor sap. Nothing like paying $8,000 a semester to a school you're not even attending, right?

14 At least your name isn't Dr. B.J. Hardick


There are some truly unfortunate names out there, and they only get worse when you start using initials. But no matter what awful nicknames your own parents doomed you to, none can really be worse than starting out life with a surname like "Hardick." When it's got the big d-word right there in it, you know that the teasing is going to be relentless no matter what... which makes us feel like maybe this guy just said, "screw it" and went all-in with his initials as well.

There's something about the fact that he got his doctorate that really ties this one together, too. B.J. Hardick sounds, frankly, an awful lot like an unimaginative porn star... but Doctor B.J. Hardick? Now there's a man you can really trust. All we can hope is that he's not a gynecologist... because no one has the strength to keep a straight face thought that pap smear. No one.

13 At least you won't die a virgin


Worrying about sex might have preoccupied your hormone-riddled teenage mind throughout high school, but now that we're all adults here, we know it's not such a big deal. Sir Isaac Newton apparently didn't get the memo, however—in fact, it sounds like he wasn't really getting much of anything, if you catch our drift.

No matter how deep your dry spell runs, just know that it's hard to outdo the Newt on this level. Apparently, Newton just didn't have time for pregnancy scares—he was too busy fathering modern mathematics.

12 At least you're not afraid of bananas


Irrational fears plague even the bravest of us. Since the dawn of time, people have suffered from phobias for everything from the dark to the full moon, to birds, snakes and clowns. Failure, poverty, loss of love or illness, everyone is afraid of something. But no matter what your deepest, darkest fears are, at least you can say this much: bananas probably don't do it for you.

Unfortunately, the same can't be said for sweet little Poncho here, who finds bananas to be the stuff that his little doggie nightmares are made of. That look of sheer terror is the same one that we get when we look at our phone bill every month—so while we might love the fruit, at least we know the feeling. Don't worry, Poncho! We'll save you from that big, mean banana! Poor little guy.

11 At least you understand double negatives


In the world of tattooing, mistakes will always be made. When you're talking about permanently inking something onto your body for better or worse, until tattoo removal laser do you part, it's inevitable that if something can go wrong, it will. But some tattoo mistakes are graver than others and this is one whoopsie that probably has this guy's high school English teacher pouring themselves a big, hefty glass of vino.

When you flub your words in an interview or your smartie-pants BFF calls you out on using a word wrong, just remember that at least your mistake won't be tattooed on your skin for the rest of your life. Or, in this guy's case, maybe it won't not be tattooed... Good try, dude. Solid effort.

10 At least you're plugged in


On even your worst hair days, at least you can leave the house in your stocking cap or last ditch effort ponytail knowing that you gave it your best effort. Sometimes the hair does what the hair wants, and no matter how we try to tame it, it's going to do its own thing anyway, like it or not. But other times, a bad hair day can be the result of sheer human ineptitude, like forgetting to condition the night before, or, y'know... curling it without the curling iron plugged in.

We feel for this lady. We really do. Being a woman can leave your brain a little frazzled every now and then... so all we can hope is that someone told her, eventually. If they could stop laughing for long enough, that is.

9 At least you're brighter than this guy


Sunglasses: check. Shady hat: check. So why is this guy still shading his eyes from that harsh, searing sunlight? Somehow, we suspect it's not because his future is too bright. You know you're having a slow day when you're willing to struggle with the sun rather than risk no longer looking super cool. Unfortunately, sunglasses only usually look awesome when you're actually wearing them, and we're pretty sure the backwards hat fashion trend died sometime in the mid-90's.

This meme is proof that whenever you're struggling with something, sometimes you've already got all the tools to make your life easier... you've just, uh, kind of forgotten them for a moment. Next time you're having a rough day, look around—maybe you've been wearing your hat backwards all along.

8 At least your watermelon isn't... this


On a hot day, there's nothing better than cutting into a big, juicy watermelon and hacking yourself off a big, thick slice. Watermelon is easily one of the best parts of every summer, and even though the store sells it by the pound, it doesn't seem to deter us from picking out the fattest one of the bunch and...

Well, that was unexpected then. All rind and no melon makes this experience a little lacking, huh? With barely enough for two bites, you can imagine the intense disappointment that must've been felt in that room. Nothing quite says, "Enjoy your summer!" like having to ration thin slivers of watermelon to feed your family of five, huh?

7 At least you don't have to pee


Sometimes, you can walk into a room and tell that it must have been designed by dudes... and even then, you'd think that at some point, surely someone would have put two and two together here. We all make mistakes sometimes, but few are as incredible as this bathroom disaster. They actually managed to install the toilets, install the privacy cubicles, and nonetheless ensure that no one in their right mind would ever, ever use that bathroom for anything other than maybe crying in—while standing up, of course.

When you're having a rough day, remember this bathroom. Remember that no matter how worthless you're feeling or how bad you've screwed up, at least you're not the dudes who designed those privacy walls... and at least that's not the bathroom that you have to use during your break.

6 At least your friends would give you a hand


Good friends are like a sturdy bra: they'll always support you, no matter how heavy things get. It's always nice to know that when you really need them, your friends will be there... but when they do leave you hanging, they probably don't leave you hanging this bad.

We've all felt like the girl on the right at some point in our lives... but luckily, most of us have never faced the terrifying reality of actually being the girl on the right. It's nice that her friend looks Instagram-ready, but, uh... a little help, maybe? No? ... Oh, okay, you just keep posing then, bestie. We're sure your BFF will figure something out before she, y'know, falls to her death or whatever.

5 At least people mean it when they compliment you


For most of us, being prettier than Miley Cyrus is pretty much #LifeGoals. But when you're actually Miley Cyrus... well, you can't blame the person for trying, we guess. At least they called her pretty? Who knows what kind of head games this must play on a girl—luckily, most of us will never be famous enough to find out.

Empty compliments are at least usually still a little uplifting. "You're even prettier than, uh, yourself," sounds like the beginning of a full-scale existential crisis, though. How can we be prettier than ourselves? Does that mean that we're usually ugly, but today we're actually not half bad? Is it our mascara? It's always the mascara. Yikes.

4 At least you didn't just unwrap a box


It's Christmas morning, the presents are piled high beneath the tree, and you're not even that hungover from all that eggnog and Yuletide punch—score. No matter how much money you end up blowing to make your family's Christmas really shine (or how intimidating your credit card bill is going to be next month), you can always look forward to the look of joy on your loved ones' faces as they unwrap the gifts you've carefully selected for them... unless, of course, you just wrapped up a bunch of empty boxes and called it a night.

Pro-tip: the only recipients who will actually be stoked to get a box for Christmas are cats and toddlers. In fact, cats and toddlers would probably prefer receiving boxes for Christmas. Are you thinking what we're thinking? Because our Christmas budget just got a whole lot more manageable.

3 At least no one misspells your name this badly


Even when your boss keeps getting your name wrong or you've just realized you've inadvertently named your child B.J. Hardick... just know that there's always farther to fall. Marc-with-a-c can't have possibly imagined how wrong this Starbucks could have possibly gotten his name—until, of course, he heard his barista calling out, "Cark? Is there a Cark here?" and it hit him that yeah, that was his venti pumpkin spice latte that they were holding up.

We don't give baristas enough credit—after all, you wouldn't imagine how many ways you can possibly spell something as simple as, say, Tiffany—but at the same time, this is such an intense name fail that it's actually kind of a work of art. Can you mess something up so bad that it's actually good? Because as far as we're concerned, this is actual proof.

2 At least you own more than nine shirts


We've all got those two or three outfits that we would totally wear all day, every day if we thought we could get away with it—but most of us, realizing that if we show up in the same three things every day of the week, usually cave in and buy more clothes. So if the rest of us can get with the program... Ian Bohen, what gives? You are an actor, son! Half of your job is looking pretty and modeling clothing! How do you even manage?

So the next time you find yourself accidentally rocking the same sweater twice in one week, excuse yourself from any guilt. If Ian Bohen is to be believed, he's only got a nine-day clothing rotation, so you can forgive yourself a slip up every once in a while. Happens to the best of us!

1 At least you've got a better handle on things than this person


At the end of the day, it's probably true: anything that can go wrong, will go wrong, so it's best to just roll with the punches and take what life gives you. Whether that's cleaning cat vomit off of your favorite leggings or dealing with a client having a full-scale mental breakdown at your workplace, when the day's over, you'll still get to walk outside, open your car door and...

Well, hopefully the handle won't come right off beneath your fingers. Whatever life throws at you today, trust that you can handle it... because this person certainly can't.