How Can We Increase Our Absorption of Dietary Magnesium?

The magnificent mineral magnesium. Information technology seems to play some office in all bodily processes—blood pressure regulation, mood stabilization, sleep, even athletic performance. Despite its relative importance, magnesium deficiency is the second most common deficiency in developed countries throughout the world.DiNicolantonio2018

For this reason, supplementation is often recommended. Otherwise, you may demand to up your magnesium intake past loading your daily plate with dark chocolate, almonds, avocados, leafy vegetables, unrefined whole grains, and pumpkin seeds—all rich sources of magnesium. Most of these are also smashing sources of vitamin D, another of import micronutrient.

On the other side of the coin, can you lot have likewise much of a good thing? There are a few balmy and serious side effects that occur occasionally in people using magnesium dietary supplements. Knowing them could help you avoid the not-then-good feelings that come with supplementing with this micronutrient.

Getting Enough Magnesium?

Earlier diving into the side effects of over-supplementation, let'due south talk about the more than common problem of low magnesium levels. Somewhere around 50% of Americans consume less than the recommended daily allowance (RDA) for magnesium;DiNicolantonio2018 which for men is about 400mg of magnesium per day and for women is 310mg - 320mg per day. Chiefly, this number increases during pregnancy and breast-feeding. Pregnant women should shoot for an intake around 350mg - 360mg of magnesium per day, and breast-feeding women around 390mg.

Not getting enough magnesium could have serious implications for wellness; several observational and experimental studies show a role of magnesium in the risk for certain immune, cardiovascular, and musculoskeletal diseases. Even if you don't have dangerously depression levels of magnesium, subclinical deficiencies tin still have negative wellness effects. Many of these might not be overly noticeable.

Why is deficiency so common? Inadequate dietary magnesium intake (from food) seems to be the major reason.

Much of our food—whether through industrial manufacturing or mineral-depletion in the soil—has been stripped of magnesium.

Even foods challenge to exist high in magnesium might non comprise as much magnesium every bit is claimed on the package or net sources for nutrition information. How do you know if your magnesium intake is suffering?

Side Effects of Magnesium Deficiency

If you don't get enough magnesium, your body will allow you know. Magnesium has an active role in then many processes related to metabolism, electrical activity, and cyclic rhythms that non having enough will throw a wrench in your physiology.

Many of the side effects of magnesium deficiency are considered "subclinical," meaning that there aren't actually any clinical signs or disease-like symptoms that will have your doctor paging the ICU. No, subclinical deficiencies are often "silent," but this doesn't mean they aren't harmless. Modest reductions in biological function occur with even small-scale deficiencies, keeping you from achieving your tiptop potential.

Subclinical deficiencies aren't uncommon. It turns out that about 10% - 30% of any population might be walking around with a low levels of magnesium—and it is estimated that many of us don't go the RDA from our diet. And so, unless you're already using dietary supplements, there'south a gamble you lot might exist running depression.

Don't Spaz Out

Every bit an electrolyte, magnesium helps to maintain fluid residue and electrical activity inside the torso. Muscles, the brain, and the heart—each of these critical organs rely on a proper balance and conduction of electrical signals with the help of magnesium. For this reason, common signs of a magnesium deficiency include muscle spasms, twitches, even minor tremors. Other involuntary movements called "fasciculations" are another sign. These little flickers of motion under the skin are small, spontaneous contractions afflicting just a few tiny muscle fibers, a misfiring of motor neurons of sorts.

Muscle cramps are some other well-known side effect of magnesium deficiency. Cramps oft occur in the hands and feet. Practise your fingers and toes "curl up" without warning, and then fight to unfurl themselves no affair how hard your endeavour? You're not frozen, only may exist experiencing magnesium-deficiency related muscle cramps.

Feeling Moody?

Magnesium is crucial for the function of several mood-regulating neurotransmitters. Four super-important ones include gamma-aminobutyric-acrid (GABA), a neurotransmitter with calming backdrop, glutamate, an excitatory neurotransmitter, serotonin, the "experience adept" hormone, and dopamine, the "reward" hormone. The brain relies on magnesium to continue up the levels of these molecules to allow proper coordination among all of our encephalon systems.

And so what happens without plenty magnesium to support the production of these critical brain-signaling molecules? Our mood, thoughts, and feelings tin can be thrown out of whack as a side effect.

These mood-related effects include things like aggression, feet, and irritability, all side effects which have been noted in magnesium-scarce individuals.Boyle2017 Magnesium deficiency might even event in depressive-like symptomsJacka2009 and abrasive migraine headaches.

Low magnesium status is also known to impair the capability to learn and remember information.Bardgett2005 Another side effect of magnesium deficiency might be the fact that y'all tin can't remember where yous put the remote...over again!

Night Owl

You lot've heard of melatonin, the molecule responsible for signaling to our body that it's fourth dimension to tuck in for the night. Just, magnesium is also well-known for its involvement in helping to regulate slumber cycles and the quality and quantity of sleep. Tossing and turning all night? 1 side outcome of magnesium deficiency is poor quality sleep and insomnia-like symptoms.

Studies have shown that a magnesium deficient diet can throw off patterns of sleep organisation, pb to a college amount of brain excitation during sleep (not something you desire when trying to relax), and upwards to a 24% reduction in ho-hum moving ridge sleep.Depoortere1993 This stage is the deepest stage of sleep, where we consolidate memories, among other of import brain processes.

Magnesium scarce individuals also study side effects of disturbed sleep, and this seems to increase with age, where many people show side furnishings of sleep disorganization—lower REM slumber and abnormalities in brain EEG signals measured during slow moving ridge sleep. Magnesium supplementation has been shown to opposite many of the historic period-related changes in sleep and slumber quality.Held2002,Nielsen2010

The sleep-related side effects occur because without magnesium to regulate the calming effects of GABA and the sleep-promoting qualities of melatonin, information technology becomes all the harder to repose the mind for a deep slumber.

One of the beneficial aspects of magnesium is its ability to produce a calming effect on the cardinal nervous system.

A tranquility and relaxed mind is able to fall asleep much easier than one buzzing with anxiety and stress.

Short term side effects of magnesium supplementation.

Long Term Side Furnishings of Deficiency

Muscle cramps and restless nights—these are some short-term agin furnishings of magnesium deficiency that might exist unproblematic annoyances in your mean solar day to day routine rather than larger signals that your health is in danger. In the short-term, magnesium deficiency can impair mental and able-bodied performance, simply tin can hands be reversed through a magnesium-fortified nutrition and dietary supplementation.

But long-term health is something everyone should recall near, not merely how you lot feel today. In this case, carrying a deficiency over a longer span of time has the potential to outcome in direct and indirect chronic health consequences. Magnesium deficiency has many long term side effects worth knowing nearly and so you lot can work to prevent them in your nutrition or supplementation strategy.

Heart Healthy Magnesium

Magnesium helps to keep our cardiovascular system in check. Without magnesium, the claret vessels aren't able to properly relax (known equally vasodilation) to feed muscles with claret and nutrients and maintain a low but adequate blood pressure. It does this in office past helping the trunk release nitric oxide (NO), a molecule responsible for blood-vessel relaxation. Not having plenty magnesium around tin can mean less NO, and vessels that are less responsive. The latter, known equally endothelial dysfunction, is a well known risk factor for middle illness and kidney disease. Endothelial dysfunction has been observed in people consuming a magnesium-depleted diet. Maier2004

When claret vessels don't function properly, side furnishings can include a poor exercise capacity, reduced power to respond to stress, and a heightened chance for developing atherosclerosis—a narrowing and hardening of the arteries. In this fashion, chronic magnesium deficiency tin lead to a greater risk for developing heart disease and kidney problems.

The evidence supports a link between magnesium deficiency and cardiovascular illness—having higher levels of magnesium is associated with fewer metabolic chance factors like high blood carbohydrate, a reduced risk of stroke, and a lower risk of cardiovascular disease.RosiqueEsteban2018

High intake of magnesium, if information technology boosts your body's levels, might protect against an achy breaky heart.

Since magnesium helps regulate claret pressure level, another side upshot of depression magnesium is (not surprisingly) loftier blood pressure level, also known every bit hypertension. There is an inverse relationship betwixt levels of magnesium and blood pressure, significant that low levels of magnesium are associated with elevated claret pressure.Jee2002 People with hypertension have been reported to take depression concentrations of magnesium flowing throughout their cells.Paolisso1997 Losing out on the vasodilatory effects of magnesium tin take negative long-term side furnishings, causing undue stress on your heart and leading to kidney problems and other organ impairment.

Continue The Rhythm

To keep our hearts beating properly, we require adequate levels of magnesium and a proper residual of magnesium, calcium and potassium, the body's main electrolytes. If levels of magnesium are besides depression, this may lead to a lower activity of a key ATP producing enzyme in the heart. This results in more sodium and calcium inside center tissue. Electric activity becomes unbalanced.

Magnesium deficiency tin can throw off the heart'south normal synchronicity, maybe leading to irregular heartbeats, known as arrhythmias. These are mostly non-fatal and probable won't lead to cardiac arrest. Yet, arrhythmias of whatever kind aren't something to mess with.

In a number of studies, a low-magnesium diet of well-nigh 130mg/day led to an increase in the number of irregular heartbeats experienced by women.Klevay2002 Another study, over again in women, observed that a diet including only 100mg/day of magnesium caused atrial fibrillation (a type of arrhythmia) and as well increased blood saccharide levels.Nielsen2007 The arrhythmic side effects of magnesium deficiency are well supported past experimental evidence. Keep the crush by getting your magnesium.

Magnesium and Metabolic Health

Through its regulation of several transporters and enzyme activity, magnesium plays a major role in glucose metabolism and insulin action. Insulin is the hormone that allows our musculus cells to take up blood sugar. Our power to regulate glucose and insulin matter a lot for long term wellness.

1 side effect of long-term deficiency is dysregulated metabolism, which often takes the grade of blazon 2 diabetes. Diabetes is often associated with scarce levels of cellular magnesium, and low magnesium levels are commonly found in people who have poor blood carbohydrate control.Barbagallo2015

The chronic side effects of not getting enough magnesium are insulin resistance and a reduced ability to utilize glucose in cells. This points to a potential causal role of magnesium deficiency in metabolic diseases like type ii diabetes.

Luckily, these serious side effects can be reversed.

Studies show that supplementing with magnesium can restore normal magnesium levels in scarce people while too improving insulin sensitivity and overall control of metabolism.RodriguezMoran2003

Without the proper ability to utilize fuel from food sources, overall health tin suffer. Even in non-diabetics, magnesium deficiency may potentially pb to a reduced power to generate energy from food substrates. The side effects of this are clear—y'all won't feel as good as yous could and athletic performance may even endure.

Long term side effects of magnesium deficiency.

Fugitive Deficiencies

Step one, effort to up the source of magnesium rich foods in your diet. These include nuts and seeds, dark leafy vegetables (ever heard of kale?), night chocolate, fat fish, meats, and some fruits like bananas.

If you're already eating a lot of these foods or are worried that they may not exist providing you with all of the magnesium you lot need, then dietary supplements might be a a good option. Magnesium supplementation is affordable, like shooting fish in a barrel, and carries relatively few risks associated with downing too much for the body to handle.

Withal, as with all supplements, there are also side effects related to high, rather than low levels of magnesium.

Tin can Y'all Over-Supplement?

Information technology is highly unlikely that magnesium toxicity or hypermagnesemia (too much magnesium) volition occur due to dietary intake alone. Our kidneys are pretty adept at handling excess magnesium; they can boost excretion to up to 100% in the face of increased intake from nutrition. However, they're less able to handle a buildup of too much magnesium that might occur due to large doses obtained through magnesium supplements.

When you begin to add supplemental magnesium, you enter a slight risk of "overdoing it." Any boosted (i.due east. supplemental) magnesium you plan to take shouldn't exceed 350mg/twenty-four hours for women or 400mg/day - 420 mg/day for men. At the proper dose, magnesium supplementation is relatively safe for well-nigh people when taken orally.

However, if taken in a high dose that causes magnesium to build up in the body, supplementation could possibly pb to some unwanted and serious side effects. Whether you're ingesting magnesium citrate, magnesium sulfate, magnesium oxide, magnesium aspartate , magnesium glycinate, or magnesium chloride, all forms of magnesium tin can be both beneficial or potentially irritating.

Side Furnishings of Supplementation

Again, most forms of magnesium announced to be safe and well tolerated at doses of 200mg/day - 400mg/day. Toxicity may be pretty rare, just some irritating side effects have been noted in people supplementing with loftier doses of magnesium. It might be proficient to know what to expect out for.

The risk of too much magnesium, leading to magnesium toxicity, is mostly depression because our kidneys are able to finely regulate how much magnesium nosotros have at any given time.

This is achieved through magnesium excretion in the urine. If we are running low on magnesium, the kidneys excrete less, conserving magnesium. On the other hand, the kidneys also help foreclose magnesium overload by increasing how much we excrete when they sense high levels—such every bit in the case of supplementation overdose or in the unlikely case that your dietary intake skyrockets.

For this reason, also much magnesium is much more rare than too little. Even so, it's still valuable to take stock of how much y'all're supplementing to avoid whatever adverse furnishings.

Gastrointestinal Side Effects

The most common (and feared) side effect of magnesium supplementation is diarrhea. 12% of subjects in one magnesium supplementation written report experienced diarrhea, just this was but in the high dose group.Delordes1998 Typically, only doses over ~600mg are associated with diarrhea-similar symptoms.

Magnesium in the form of magnesium hydroxide (milk of magnesia) and magnesium citrate are sometimes taken equally over the counter laxatives in people with constipation, and so it'south no surprise this is i crappy symptom. When the osmotic magnesium salts are ingested in high quantities, the unabsorbed salts pull water into the colon and intestines. Magnesium also stimulates gastric motility—moving things right along.

Other commonly reported effects include an upset tummy, nausea, vomiting, and abdominal cramping. These all relate to magnesium'due south effect on the intestine. Forms of magnesium supplementation reported to more often crusade symptoms include magnesium carbonate, magnesium chloride, magnesium gluconate, and magnesium oxide.

Cardiovascular Side Effects

Since magnesium helps go along blood pressure at safe levels, it is sometimes used to treat high blood pressure level (hypertension).

For this reason, overdosing on magnesium supplements may lead to a status known equally hypotension—when claret pressure drops besides low. And, while high blood pressure level is damaging, low claret force per unit area could impair your ability to regulate claret flow and pb to dizziness or light-headedness. Magnesium sulfate has been used in clinical studies to induce "controlled hypotension" and lower patients blood pressure for surgery.Yosry2008 The doses used hither are exponentially large (40mg/kg) and were injected past Four, then they differ a lot from conditions of oral dietary supplements you might exist able to buy.

In some cases of long-term over supplementation, loftier magnesium levels in the blood might pb to a slowed heart rate (bradycardia) or irregular eye beats. These are rare side effects, nonetheless, and are only commonly seen in healthcare settings where loftier doses of magnesium are given as therapy or through 4 injection.


Ane reason many people choose to supplement with magnesium is because some forms of this mineral help to promote sleep. This is why magnesium glycinate is present in several supplements and helps act as a rejuvenating sleep aid designed to assistance you autumn comatose and achieve high-quality restfulness.

Only not all fourth dimension is nap time. Ane of the side effects of magnesium might be drowsiness. In this case, yous should consider magnesium supplementation at the finish of the day (with dinner) to prevent the midday magnesium slump.

Potential side-effects of magnsium supplementation.

Adverse Interactions

Taking antibiotics, certain medications, or on hormone replacement therapy? Magnesium interacts with various drugs and nutrients—it may be important to know if magnesium volition play dainty with whatever else you're taking in lodge to avert an adverse interaction.

Interactions with Medications

Due to the inherent blood-pressure lowering effects of magnesium, negative side effects may occur if you lot're on blood force per unit area medications or calcium channel blockers, likewise known every bit CCBs. Dizziness, nausea, and backlog fluid retention are all likely if you lot double up on magnesium while taking these cardiovascular medications.

Certain antibiotics used in healthcare may be rendered less effective if taken with magnesiumincluding quinolone and tetracycline antibiotics. It is suggested that if you lot are going to continue supplementing with magnesium throughout your antibiotic treatment, be sure to supplement magnesium one to 2 hours before taking your meds—every bit this volition aid avoid the interference with absorption.

Magnesium could as well lead to likewise much relaxation (is there actually such a thing?) Turns out, magnesium increases the muscle-relaxing effects of certain anesthetics and could also enhance the effects of certain musculus relaxants. Tell your doctor or anesthesiologist if you're taking magnesium before going under the gas.

Avoiding Side Furnishings

Steering clear of the potential unwanted gastrointestinal or other side effects of magnesium supplementation tin normally exist avoided past using a proper dose. The tolerable upper limit set up by the Food and Diet Board (FNB) of the Found of Medicine (IOM) is 350mg/day of supplemental magnesium. Think, the sources of magnesium you get from the nutrition aren't included in this number.

Taking magnesium supplements along with a repast or whatsoever kind of food may reduce the gastrointestinal furnishings. Don't have them on an empty stomach.

And finally, just practice your enquiry. If you are supplementing or plan to supplement with magnesium to avert a deficiency or receive other benefits, brand sure there aren't any known adverse interactions with medications or drugs you might be taking. Get medical advice from a healthcare professional person if you program to supplement.

Make sure you lot're getting a high-quality magnesium supplement adequately formulated with pocket-size levels of magnesium. Stay informed, and go to your tiptop potential.


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